Dr. Hans Leiß

Im Ruhestand seit 31.3.2017
Privatadresse: Bereiter Anger 10, 81541 München
Kontakt: h.leiss (at) gmx.de
- Reguläre Algebra und Formale Sprachen
- Grammatiken, Syntaxanalyse, Parsergeneratoren
- Typentheorie und Funktionales Programmieren
- Berechenbare Semantik natürlicher Sprachen
Projekte und Programme
- Suche in komprimierten Daten (DAAD, Procope)
Finite Automata Library for Standard ML (22.1.2010: adapted to changes in SMLNJs
Standard ML with polymorphic recursion
- Semiunifikation und allgemeinste Induktionsbeweise (Deduktion, DFG)
- New Hardware Design Methods (NADA, Esprit)
- Dynamic Interpretation of Natural Language (Dyana-2, Esprit)
- Foundations of Functional and Logic Programming (Gentzen, Esprit)
Ausgewählte Arbeiten
An Algebraic Representation of the Fixed-Point Closure of
*-Continuous Kleene Algebras -- A Categorical Chomsky-Schützenberger-Theorem
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Special Issue in
Homage to Martin Hofmann, 2022 (accepted manuscript). The final
publication is available from Cambridge University Press under https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960129522000329
Coequalizers and Tensor Products for Continuous Idempotent
Semirings. In: Proc. 17th Conf. on Relational and Algebraic
Methods in Computer Science, RAMiCS 2018, Springer LNCS 11194,
pp. 37--52. The final publication is available at Springer
via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02149-8_3
C-Dioids and mu-Continuous Chomsky-Algebras. In: Proc. 17th Conf. on Relational and Algebraic
Methods in Computer Science, RAMiCS 2018, Springer LNCS 11194,
pp. 21--36. The final publication is available at Springer
via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02149-8_2
Slides of a seminar talk, LMU 22.6.2018
Type Reconstruction for Lambda-DRT Applied to Pronoun Resolution (with
Shuqian Wu). Final version in: Proc. 20th Conf. on Logical Aspects of Computational
Linguistics, LACL 2016, Nancy, Springer LNCS 10054, pp.149--174,
available via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53826-5_10
The Matrix Ring of a mu-Continuous Chomsky-Algebra is mu-Continuous.
J.Talbot, L.Regnier (Eds.) Proc. 25th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer
Science Logic (CSL 2016). ISBN 978-3-95977-022-4, LIPICS Vol. 62
- On Equality of Contexts and Completeness of the Indexed
Epsilon-Calculus. Proceedings of the Workshop Epsilon 2015, Montpellier. Journal of Logic and Applications, 2016.
Learning Context-Free Grammars with the Finite Context Property. A
Correction of A.Clark's Algorithm. Proceedings Formal Grammar 2014,
Springer LNCS 8612, p.121-131, 2014.
- Resolving Plural Ambiguities by Type Reconstruction. Proceedings Formal
Grammar 2011, Ljubljana, Springer LNCS 7395, p.267-286, 2012.
- To CNF or not to CNF? An Efficient Yet Presentable Version of the CYK
Algorithm (with Martin Lange).
Informatica Didactica 8, 2009.
- The proper treatment of coordination in Peirce grammar. Proceedings
Workshop on Formal Grammar/Mathematics of Language '05, Edinburgh 2005. CSLI Publications, 2005
- Kleene Modules and Linear Languages. Journal of Logic and Algebraic
Programming, Vol 66/2 (2006), 185-194.
DOI information: 10.1016/j.jlap.2005.04.004
- Algebraically complete semirings and Greibach normal form (with
Zoltan Esik). Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (2005), 173--203.
- Automata on Lempel-Ziv Compressed Strings (with Michel de
Rougemont). Proceedings CSL 2003, Wien, Aug. 2003. Springer LNCS 2803, pp 384--396. (Slides
of the talk)
Greibach Normal Form in Algebraically Complete Semirings (with
Zoltan Esik). BRICS Report Series RS-02-46, Dec. 2002, 43 pages. ISSN
Kleenean Semimodules and Linear Languages. Extended Abstract
in: Z.Esik and A.Ingolfsdottir (eds.) Preliminary Proceedings of
the Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science, FICS '02,
(Copenhagen, Denmark, July 20 and 21, 2002), June 2002.
- Greibach Normal Form in Algebraically Complete Semirings (with
Zoltan Esik). Proceedings CSL 2002, Edinburgh,
Sept. 2002. Springer LNCS 2471, pp. 135-150.
Zweitstufige Prälogische Relationen und
Repräsentationsunabhängigkeit. CIS-Bericht-01-127, März
2001. (Erweiterte Fassung der veröffentlichten englischen Version.)
Second-Order Pre-Logical Relations and Representation
Independence. Proceedings TLCA 2001, Krakow, May 2-5, 2001.
Springer LNCS 2044. Copyright by Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Definability and Compression (with Foto Afrati and Michel
de Rougemont). Tech.Report (October 1999). Final version in:
Proceedings of 15th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic
in Computer Science, Santa Barbara, CA. LICS 2000. IEEE Computer Society
- Extending the Type Checker of SML by Polymorphic Recursion
(with Martin Emms). Theoretical Computer Science 212 (1999), 157-181.
(Copyright does not permit to make this publicly accessible, but I can send a copy on request.)
Extending the Type Checker of SML by Polymorphic Recursion --
A Correctness Proof (with Martin Emms). CIS-Bericht-96-101.
Bounded Fixed-Point Definability and Tabular Recognition of
Proceedings CSL'95, Springer LNCS 1092,
Combining Dynamic and Recursive Types. Proceedings TLCA'93,
Springer LNCS 664,
Towards Kleene Algebra with Recursion.
Proceedings CSL'91, Springer LNCS 626
Vorlesungen und Seminare
Wintersemester 2016/17
- Syntax
natürlicher Sprachen. Vorlesung 2Std, Mi 14-16, Oe67, B101, Tafelübung 2Std, Di 10-12, Oe67 U151
- Formale
Sprachen. Vorlesung 2Std Di 14-16, Oe67, BU101, mit Tafelübung
2Std, Do 14-16, Oe67, U151
Sommersemester 2016
Frühere Semester
- Computerlinguistik
II. Vorlesung mit Proseminar. WS 2006/07
- Parsing.Vorlesung/Hauptseminar mit Übung. WS 2006/07.
- Grammatikimplementierung. Hauptseminar. WS 2006/07
- 3rd GF Summer
School. 18.-30. August 2013, Frauenchiemsee, Germany.
International summer school 'Grammatical Framework. Scaling up
grammatical resources'.
Organizers: H.Leiß (LMU), A.Ranta (Chalmers)
- CSL 2000.
Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science
August 21-26, 2000 · Fischbachau/Munich, Germany.
Member of the Local Organization Comittee
- NADA Worshop on Streams. October 16-18, 1995, Schloß Elmau, 82493
Elmau/Oberbayern, Germany.
International workshop of the Esprit Basic Research Action `New Hardware
Design Languages'.
Organizers: H.Leiß, H.Schwichtenberg
- Workshop on `Common Foundations of
Functional and Logic Programming'. Munich, March 26-28, 1992.
3rd Workshop of the Esprit Basic Research Action 3230.
Organizer: H.Leiß
The institute's main page says: (we) "believe in the principle that
learning is key to successful NLP -- the same way that the language capabilities
of humans are based on learning". I don't believe this, and I doubt that we
know enough about learning of language capabilities in humans. As science is
not about believing, I prefer to develop algorithms, theorems and proofs.
Last Modified: May 22, 2019